30 January 2017

Get ready with me - school morning routine

Hello everybody,

I'm going, to be honest with you I'm not a morning person so getting up at 5.45 a.m. nearly every day is no fun for me or my family. So today I'm going to talk you through my school morning routine and show you some of the products I use.

I have quite a strict time schedule so in the 50 minutes I have I need to get presentable ready, pack my school bag, have some breakfast and try to convince myself that the day won't be as bad and I'll be home soon (easier said than done).
Well, first of all, I need to get out of bed once I did that I need to find an outfit to wear, what takes bloody ages and when I finally found one I get dressed and have my quite unhealthy breakfast (toast/rolls with Nutella). At that point, I quickly chat through what's on today with my grandfather.
I go back to my flat in our house, brush my teeth and wash my face. Makeup time! Afterwards, I pack my school bag. Last but not least I style my hair which is basically me just brushing it and put it in a ponytail because I can't be bothered to do anything else. Before I put on my coat and leave the house I check my to-do list and twitter (@doublesteff).At 6.35 a.m. I leave the house and go to the bus station.
So this sums up a typical morning for me.

What's your morning routine like?
Love, Steff xx

Some of my current favourites

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