23 January 2017

My plans for 2017

Hello everybody,

surely everyone has new years resolutions but a lot of people fail to actually stick to them. So this post won't be about new years resolutions just because I'm kinda sick of them now. This post is about my plans that I have.
Clearly, some will and some won't work out. And pretty much all of them are plans that will take a longer time to realise than just 2017 but the point is that I start with them now.

These plans are very various but they are things that I'd like to achieve and everybody should have such plans (it takes the pressure away by calling them plans rather than resolutions which can be quite helpful).
So let's begin, shall we:
I want to travel as much and many places as possible. We are young only once and we should take that time who knows when we'll be able to do it again.
Another thing is my school work that I want to concentrate on more or at least as much as I do now. It can open you so many doors but I also want to spend more time with my family and friends and have more me-time (which is one of the hardest things for me).
But the hardest thing will be working on my mental health even though having some me-time and this is quite close, mental health is a whole different level.
And the last thing I want to do is organise and plan my life more and have more of a regular schedule and routines that I do everyday (like get rid of your make-up as soon as you come home or read at least one chapter or at least 20 pages of a book a day).

It does not sound like that much work or hard work but it is a lot and hard as well. Some of the things are harder than others but they all have the same meaning for me.

I strongly believe in doing and (hopefully) achieving them. And I know some of them I will and some of them I won't but at the end of the day it won't matter.
It's not always about the the number of thing you achieve but about the meaning these things have to you.

Love, Steff xx

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