26 September 2017

One Year driving licence anniversary

Hello everybody,

exactly one year ago I passed my driving test so it's obvious to celebrate that.
During that time I deffo went thru all weather conditions possible here. There was sunshine, fog, rain, icy roads...
The funny thing was when I had driving lessons I used to be so nervous whilst driving but now I'm a lot calmer and I really enjoy driving.
Although in November last year there was a little incident that is quite awkward. We have this sign on one side of your driveway and whilst I was about to drive out onto the street I smashed one of the side windows and scratched another one. It wasn't that dramatic but we still needed a new window. Luckily I wasn't the first one to hit it (my grandfather did it a few months before me). But since then nothing has happened.

I really do love driving and I love being in the car. Since I was 4 years old we always went on holidays by car even as far away as for example Spain, Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy... We probably drove more than half a million kilometres so I was quite used to it and I couldn't wait to be able to drive on my own. Fun fact motorway driving is one of my fav things to do even tho a lot of people hate it but I find it quite relaxing. The thing I hate the most is parking. I just can't-do it. The only places I can park perfectly is our driveway the parking area at my mum's hotel and I can do parallel parking but anything else I'm shit at. I'm such a cliche...blonde, a woman that can't park.

I can't imagine not to learn how to drive or doing it later than. Probably because I live in a village with pretty much no bus connection.
When I was really young my parents used to sat me on their lap in the car so I could "drive". It was only in our driveway for parking and they did all the work but I remember it so vividly and I loved it so bloody much it's obvious that I cannot not love driving.

That's only one of many pictures.

As I only got eighteen the other week and now can drive completely on my own just about sank in my head. I was so used to have someone sitting next to me that it felt a bit wrong not to. So to make it something special I went to McDonald's to grab some dinner. I was really nervous like I was back in driving school but everything went fine and I'm a lot calmer now.

How was your first time driving? Are you learning how to drive right now?
What part of driving do you love the most and which one do you hate the most?

Love, Steff xx

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