11 September 2017

Dinner at "Schwerelos"

Hello everybody,

a few weeks ago I went to a restaurant called "Schwerelos". It's a roller-coaster restaurant, as far as I know, there are only two in Germany. One is in Hamburg and the other one in Dresden.

So how does it work, you may ask?
That's easy to tell you! You basically go there, get seated, your menu is a tablet. There you choose drinks, food, how many of them, any extras like dips, veggies or other sides and what course you want it to be so main or starter or dessert and that's it. 
You have plates, cutlery, glasses, napkins, bottle openers and ketchup and mustard at your table and the rest arrives via roller coaster (except for your bill and hot beverages). Some tracks also have loopings.
Your drinks and food get put into "Schlitten" (=sleighs) in the kitchen the people there put it on a flat conveyor which leads to a sorting station. It's quite high up so nothing gets stuck in between there and your table. At the sorting station people take those "Schlitten" with your food and drinks and push them down the right track.....and there you go.
Apropos your drink is still in the bottle and your food comes in pots.

You can also visit the kitchen and watch the chefs make your food.

I think it is such a good type of restaurant and I think we need more of these.

So if you ever visit Dresden or Hamburg you should definitely go there.
I have been there a few times already but this was the last time I have.

Now here are some pictures! (sorry these are only the ones I took this time I couldn't find the others)

Love, Steff xx

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