28 November 2016

Some crazy rather funny things that happend in my life!

Hello everybody,
last week I told you 50 facts about myself (last blog post) but that weren't all of them and the craziest (for me at least), funniest and weirdest I left out so that we can talk about them today.

The first one is (for me) the clearest one in my memory and I think the one that I like the most (i know this sounds weird)
When I was 8 years old I accidently pierced myself (cause of it: gravity). It was late at night probably around 2 a.m. ( i know not the time an 8-year-old should be awake but it was the weekend and I've always been a night person). Anyways I was laying on the couch, my mum next to me fasten asleep. I kinda watched TV it was more of a background noise. And we have this alarm clock with only two pointed corners. I was holding it above my head and turned it around for some time. Suddenly my hands let go kinda like when you hold your phone over your head lay in your bed and it just smacks in your face. That happened there as well it just wasn't a phone and one of the pointed edges went through my cupid bow. I had a hole there it wasn't that big but big enough that you could see it. My mum woke up and took me to the emergency room. I still have a small scar to this day.

There was another time I got my finger stuck in a car door but the car was locked so I couldn't get it out. Luckily it happened at home. I started to scream and cry and my neighbour came to tell my parents because they had the car key and were already gone into our house. My finger wasn't broken or anything it just did hurt and I now got a weird scar on it but I think it has been there before.

The amount of times I fell down our stairs is crazy. The weird thing about it is that I only have fallen down our own stairs, not any other ones. But I never fell up our own stairs but pretty much 50 times on our school ones. Falling up the stairs is actually a thing a lot of people do it. Just don't ask me how!

Now jumping is another thing that caused a lot of hospital visits for me. There was this one time: I jumped on the bed of my grandparents as I have done it quite often. I don't really know how I got to this point but my forehead landed on the edge of the bed. I was bleeding and we had to go to the hospital. Turns out I had a massive laceration and it required stitches. I was four years old when this happened so as you can assume  I was scared but they gave me some stuffed animals to cuddle  (i still got them).
Another time at my grandparents flat I jumped on the couch and broke my arm.

When my mum was pregnant with me a deer ran into her car so I basically had a car accident before I was even born. The good thing was neither one of us was hurt, but her car was broken after this.

My tonsils were taken out when I was 5 years old.

I have a mole in between my lashes.

I once got stuck in a shops toilet and I still don't trust any toilet when I use them for the first time.

I'm done now I'm sorry if this wasn't the kind of blog post you like but I'll be back with beauty and lifestyle next week. I hope your weekend was relaxing and your week will be great.

Love, Steff xx

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