28 November 2016

Some crazy rather funny things that happend in my life!

Hello everybody,
last week I told you 50 facts about myself (last blog post) but that weren't all of them and the craziest (for me at least), funniest and weirdest I left out so that we can talk about them today.

The first one is (for me) the clearest one in my memory and I think the one that I like the most (i know this sounds weird)
When I was 8 years old I accidently pierced myself (cause of it: gravity). It was late at night probably around 2 a.m. ( i know not the time an 8-year-old should be awake but it was the weekend and I've always been a night person). Anyways I was laying on the couch, my mum next to me fasten asleep. I kinda watched TV it was more of a background noise. And we have this alarm clock with only two pointed corners. I was holding it above my head and turned it around for some time. Suddenly my hands let go kinda like when you hold your phone over your head lay in your bed and it just smacks in your face. That happened there as well it just wasn't a phone and one of the pointed edges went through my cupid bow. I had a hole there it wasn't that big but big enough that you could see it. My mum woke up and took me to the emergency room. I still have a small scar to this day.

There was another time I got my finger stuck in a car door but the car was locked so I couldn't get it out. Luckily it happened at home. I started to scream and cry and my neighbour came to tell my parents because they had the car key and were already gone into our house. My finger wasn't broken or anything it just did hurt and I now got a weird scar on it but I think it has been there before.

The amount of times I fell down our stairs is crazy. The weird thing about it is that I only have fallen down our own stairs, not any other ones. But I never fell up our own stairs but pretty much 50 times on our school ones. Falling up the stairs is actually a thing a lot of people do it. Just don't ask me how!

Now jumping is another thing that caused a lot of hospital visits for me. There was this one time: I jumped on the bed of my grandparents as I have done it quite often. I don't really know how I got to this point but my forehead landed on the edge of the bed. I was bleeding and we had to go to the hospital. Turns out I had a massive laceration and it required stitches. I was four years old when this happened so as you can assume  I was scared but they gave me some stuffed animals to cuddle  (i still got them).
Another time at my grandparents flat I jumped on the couch and broke my arm.

When my mum was pregnant with me a deer ran into her car so I basically had a car accident before I was even born. The good thing was neither one of us was hurt, but her car was broken after this.

My tonsils were taken out when I was 5 years old.

I have a mole in between my lashes.

I once got stuck in a shops toilet and I still don't trust any toilet when I use them for the first time.

I'm done now I'm sorry if this wasn't the kind of blog post you like but I'll be back with beauty and lifestyle next week. I hope your weekend was relaxing and your week will be great.

Love, Steff xx

21 November 2016

50 facts about me

Hello everybody, how are you doing?

In todays post I want to tell you a bit more about myself and some of these things are quite random but I'm a curious person (51.) so I thought some of you might be as well.
Let's get started

  1. I was born on the 2. September 1999
  2. I live in Germany
  3. I'm still going to school (11th Grade)
  4. My star sign is Virgo but I don't believe in horoscopes
  5. I have blue eyes
  6. My natural hair colour is dark brown but I dyed my hair blonde
  7. I speak German and English
  8. I can speak a little bit French and Spanish
  9. I want to learn Spanish because I think it sounds amazing
  10. I was in drama club for 6 years (in total)
  11. I cannot sing but I'm doing it anyway (soz for anybody who has heard me sing)
  12. I cannot dance as well
  13. I don't like sport (especially in school but I do yoga when I have time)
  14. My favourite colour is purple
  15. The majority of my clothes is black and grey
  16. I love comfy clothes 
  17. I'm short-sighted that's why I have to wear glasses
  18. I love scented candles
  19. My goal is to live in London one day (if this is not possible my second choice is Brighton and my third Birmingham)
  20. My favourite shops for clothes are Zara, Esprit and Orsay
  21. I'm not very patient but I'm working on it
  22. I only broke a bone once in my life
  23. I had to wear braces ('til last year)
  24. I have a very light skin tone
  25. I don't like maths
  26. I can't draw
  27. I have my driving licence (accompanied driving experience) and I'm very happy about it
  28. I have Twitter (@doublesteff), Snapchat (doublesteff) and Instagram (@doublesteff)  I mean who doesn't
  29. I can't stand vomit or feeling sick
  30. I have a phobia of snakes
  31. I have anxiety and panic attacks
  32. I love cities 
  33. I want to go to uni
  34. My music taste is weird I don't really have a genre I listen to everything except the songs I don't like
  35. My favourite author is Collen Hoover
  36. Autumn and Christmas are my favourite seasons
  37. I love to travel
  38. My surname has its roots in the Sorbian language and means royal
  39. My first name means crowned it's greek
  40. I'm a single child
  41. I have a lot of fantasy
  42. London is my favourite city without a doubt
  43. My favourite kind of car is an SUV
  44. My favourite/go to TV series are: Doctor's Diary (German), Die Rettungsflieger (German), Bones (American), House MD (American), Rizzoli & Isles (American) and Sturm der Liebe (German)
  45. I want to travel to a lot of places but number one on that list is New Zealand
  46. I have never been to America, Asia or Australia
  47. My worst school subject is Chemistry
  48. I have very weird dreams
  49. I'm a night person
  50. I have only been bitten by ticks twice in my life

Love, Steff xx

14 November 2016

Bullying is everywhere!

Hello everyone,

so as you are aware of this title this is going to be a more serious post this week but I think this is something that needs to be talked about.

We see things everyday that are not right but we just ignore them. We do not say that this is wrong. We just ignore them and move on with our life. It is devastating to see how many people are getting bullied everyday. Everywhere.
It really can be anybody, it could be that person on the bus you see, the waiter in your favourite restaurant or your own boss. Bullying comes in so many shapes and sizes we do not even realise it. Most of them we do not see as a bad thing but people might take it wrong. They think their bully is right and they need to change. But that is wrong, you do not have to change anything about you. Do not let them put you down. They are just stupid and their life is boring so they need something that they can do with their time.
Another reason for bullies is their jealousy. I know you probably will think now "what is there to be jealous about" but it can be just a small thing they can not do or they do not have in their life but you do.
Some bullies, but only a few, will bully you because they have a bad day or are going through a hard time. They might not know how to handle the situation they are in right now.
Do not listen to what people say who hardly even know you. You are special in your own way. Be proud of yourself and do not change for anybody.

Last week I saw a girl getting bullied in our school cafeteria. There were two boys probably from her class. They were the student supervisors for that break and they hit her and called her names. I was so devastated to see this. And I wished that this will not be happening anywhere in the world. But it happens way to much.
I know the next thing I am going to say will not really prove the point and help with this but because of various reasons I could not help her. I was too anxious to stand up for her and I have never felt so bad about myself in my life. That was without a doubt the WRONG thing to do. I wish I would have been brave enough but I promise the next time I see someone getting bullied I will stand up for this person because I do not want to feel the same way I felt that day.

So if anybody is reading this I want you to stand up for that boy or girl, man or woman because I will.
Do not do it for me, I mean who am I to demand something from you. I just want you to think about it and think about the person you care most about would you stay still or would you help?

Please remember to not be violent or harmful in anyway. You are doing this to help and not to be a bully yourself.

Love, Steff xx

7 November 2016

Hi! Nice to meet you

Hello everybody (even though I don't know if anybody will ever read this),

but this is my first blog post. I am a 17-year-old girl who lives in Germany but I feel more like my true self when I'm writing in English. I think the reason why I started this blog is that I want a place to talk about stuff and I think this is the right place to do it. I want to post regularly on here which would be every Monday at 6 pm (GMT). I just want to let you know beforehand that I might not possibly do this every time but I will try my best. Just to protect other people's privacy I'm not going to use their real names.

I want to give you a little background story before we start this. So as I said I live in Germany in a little village. My school is a 30 minutes bus ride away and my parents are divorced. I don't have a lot of contact with my dad and my mum lives a few hundred kilometres away from me because of her job. Right now I'm living with my grandparents who I love a lot. They are just the best. My friends and family are the most important people in my life.
I love to travel but because school got more challenging every year I can't do it as often anymore.

I think this is enough for my first blog post.
There is just one last thing I want to ask you. Please bear with my English as it's not my native language and I know there will be some mistakes but nobody's perfect neither am I. But that's okay we are all special in our own ways.

Love, Steff xx