27 February 2017

Sharing some thoughts with you

Hello everybody,

in this post, I'm going to share thoughts with you that I normally don't share with other people.
I just want to ask you to not show any hate on these thoughts. I can totally understand if you think different about these things but I want this to be a place where you can just say what you think without being judged. So if you also have an opinion on something or maybe even feel the same way feel free to say it.

 I feel like I need to take some days off and get my life sorted out. There is so much happening right now and I feel like I miss out on so much...

 I just don't understand why...

 Why do I always get hungry at 3 am?! It really starts to annoy me...

Love, Steff xx

20 February 2017


Hello everybody,

the things you will read in the following are different thoughts just put together as they came out of my head, so be ready.

People judge you for the decisions you've made without knowing your reasons and background, having no right to do it. They probably would do the same thing but that's not what they think about. They will tell you that your decision was wrong or stupid but don't listen to them. They don't know how you feel and what you've been through. Who are they to judge you and your decisions?

People will tell you that you made the wrong decision but there is no right or wrong. Just good or bad ones.

The decisions we made were the ones that made us to who we are today. If you would have made another decision you won't be that person that you are right now.
It is scary to think about it but your life would be so much different if you would (not) have done what you did (not) in either a good or bad way.

I have made good decisions but also bad ones. But the moment you are making that decision you don't know for sure if it is good or bad only time will show.
There is this one decision I've made. I can't say yet if it was a good or bad. It took me a long time to decide. I've thought about it for so long and there hasn't been a day I haven't thought about it and I still am.

I'm fortunate enough to have friends and family who encourage me to do the things I think are right even if they know better. 
I want to thank you for that. I want to say thank you for all the times I asked you on what decision to make. I want to say thank you for your patience and understanding, for building me up.
I can't say thank you enough times. 

Love, Steff xx

13 February 2017

My life goals

Hello everybody,

I'm that kind of person that needs some goals set to work forward to. And these goals aren't really things that you can buy (except from the rent of my dream living space but that's something everybody has to deal with).

So talking about this, my dream city to live in is London. I wish so badly to live there once in my life. So to do that a lot of successful work is necessary. My second favourite place to live is Brighton, followed by Birmingham and Hamburg. All of these cities are beautiful.
Right now I'm living in the countryside and to be fair I probably want to live here again when I'm older but for young people, there is not much to do here.

Another dream of mine, which sounds very girly but we all have it in us, is living together with my significant other for as long as possible. I can't describe you who that person is but the most important thing is that I can feel a hundred percent comfortable around that person. So that we can laugh together but also be serious and open to each other.

As well as I want to spend quality time with my friends and family. And also be able to spoil my family one day. Just to give back everything they gave me.

I want to have a puppy (or more than one) at one point. I know they are a lot of work and it takes time to find the one that fits your lifestyle. So as I want to live in a city I need a dog that does not need a lot of space and exercise.

The last two things are majorly important to me are things you don't really have an impact on. These things are health and happiness. A woman once said to me: "What helps you all the money from the world, when you are sick?". I think it is true. You will never be as happy as you could be and you can't do all the stuff you might want to.

I know some of these things are silly or never completely achievable but they have a nice thought to themselves.

What are your life goals?

Love, Steff xx

6 February 2017

Everybody is special!

Hello everybody,

do you sometimes get the feeling like you are nothing special, you don't peak out of the mass?
You wish you could do that one thing that this popular person can do?

Why do you do that?!
You are who you are and you have other talents, why do you want to be able to do that one thing when you can't even appreciate the things you can do. Don't you think they are worth it?

There are people out there who wish they could do the things you do, in the same way, you wish you could do the things that other people can do.

In our society, it's easy to forget what we have when we see all these amazing and talented people. We forget that we have this one special talent and we don't use it.

There is not much more to say than it is true, you are special.
Most people underestimate themselves. I tend to do it as well but I try my hardest not to because everyone has that special thing about them that no one else has and that makes you to who you are.

I know your self-image won't change by reading the stupid things I say but I got some tips for you that could help:

  • try out new things
  • spend time with loved ones and be aware of the feelings you have at that time and remember them
  • take a walk and think about all the things you achieved
  • go to places with some history behind them - whether it's your own past you visit there or someone else
  • practise mindfulness - here there are different ways how to do it (practise mindfulness)

I hope I can help some of you (at least a little)

Love, Steff xx