Hello everybody, I wanna talk about this topic because we talked about it in English this week and I thought it was quite interesting. This was a topic at an oral exam a few years ago and we are practicing these rn.
These are just my thoughts. You probably have different ones and I'd love to know what you think.
"There are no negatives in life, only challenges that will make you stronger." (Eric Bates, Professor for Medicine at the University of Michigan)I think this is a very true quote and I totally agree with it because it gives you hope and maybe joy. If you think everything negative is a challenge rather than something negative. I mean even the word negative sounds so negative (I know, obvious). It's only a word, some letters put together in a certain order but it still brings you down. A challenge tho is something you are excited about and you do it and no matter if you win or lose, make it through or not you learn something. The strength you gained this way is not only physically but also mentally. And for me, mental strength is so much more important than physical.
"If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience." (Robert Fulghum, American author)I think what he tries to say is that we exaggerate a lot, especially if it comes to problems. He wants to remind us that nothing is as bad as it seems. And I think that's something you should always remember when a new "problem" comes up in your life because mostly the simplest solutions are the hardest to find. (It's a pity that only some problems are really as bad as they seem)
But these big problems are different for every one of us. Some problems you face aren't an issue for others.
I'm going to graduate from high school (Gymnasium in German) this summer and the biggest problem I'm facing right now is to find the right path for me, for my future. How I want my life to be. Questions that I'm asking myself and many others too are: What to do after school? What should I study? Where should I study? Is this really the right thing for me? Should I share a flat or live on my own? Can I afford to live on my own? How does a washing machine work? How do I pay taxes or for insurance?
And many more of this kind.
Another problem (especially for me) is mental health. Our society doesn't talk about it. We do so much for our physical health but not our mental health. And for me, that's just frustrating. And what's even more frustrating is that so many more people suffer from mental health issues nowadays. But tbh that shouldn't surprise us. A reason for that is the pressure that not just we put on ourselves but also our society puts on us for example thru social media. I mean just look on your Instagram feed....what do you see? People who live their everyday life or models with the perfect body, perfect make up and perfect lighting in their pictures. Everyone is showing off how perfect their life is and to what beautiful places they travel. But the truth is not everybody can have this aesthetic. And that is completely fine. Also, one picture that is probably photoshopped isn't their whole life just a very tiny fraction of it. Sure I also post pics that look nice and yes maybe I'm showing off that way, bragging about the food I eat and the places I got to. Tho the major reason why I post is because I want to show my friends some pics and this way I won't have to send them to each individually but I also want to remember special moments and when and where they have happened. I don't post very often and that is because not everything in my life is perfect. I don't travel all the time and I don't always have fancy meals. But that's totally okay.
What I think is really sad about this mostly younger people don't understand it (but also older ones too). The things they see isn't what the real world looks like.
My uncle asked me a few years ago why I post things on Instagram and what do I hope I get from it. I didn't have an answer back then and it made me think. I was actually thinking a lot about it. That's also the time when I started posting less frequently and fewer selfies because it can be really dangerous.
I know I'm rambling but there are just a few important words I want you to take to heart.
You're already beautiful the way you are and you shouldn't let anyone tell you something else.
There will be happy and sad times but no matter what you will get through those times. ( I feel like I said this quite often now)
Don't exaggerate the small things in life and just don't stress out so fast.
Find your passion and stay with it no matter what everybody else says.
Love, Steff xxx